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Timeline for 1888
19th century | 1880s

1882 • 1883 • 1884 • 1885 • 1886 • 1887 • 1889 • 1890 • 1891 • 1892 • 1893 • 1894

On 23 November 1888, the Nemesis statue passed Earth. (TV: Silver Nemesis)

In Glasgow, the Doctor took a medical degree under Joseph Lister. (TV: The Moonbase)

The Fellowship committed murders, usually women, to summon the Yssgaroth into the universe. William Blake and the Seventh Doctor saw the group's albino leader at a bordello around the time of the murder of Elizabeth Stride, the third victim. All known members were caught in a fire. (PROSE: The Pit)

In London, Vastra killed and ate Jack the Ripper. On the the same day, she and Jenny Flint were recruited by the Eleventh Doctor and sent to fight in the Battle of Demons Run. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War) They later returned with Strax. (WC: The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later)

Iris Wildthyme and Panda visited London. (PROSE: The Shape of Things)

Toby the Sapient Pig, Professor Prometheus, the Fireproof Circassian, Hilda Brand, and the Blondin Donkey toured Europe. Alice Bultitude attended one of their performances at the Wintergarten theatre in Berlin. (AUDIO: Year of the Pig)
