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1936 in

the DWU • vital statistics

Timeline for 1936
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In January 1936, the Seventh Doctor and Melanie Bush met Emil Hartung during a visit to Cairo. (PROSE: Just War)

At the Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft was published between February and April on Astounding Stories. (PROSE: The Taking of Planet 5)

In April, Alun Travers was born. (PROSE: One Cold Step)

On 25 April, the Fifth Doctor and Peri Brown attended the FA Cup Final between Arsenal and Sheffield United in Wembley Stadium in London. (PROSE: The Church of Football)

In July, the Spanish Civil War began. (PROSE: History 101)

In November, Charley Pollard was briefly reunited with her parents Lord Richard and Lady Louisa Pollard in London before being recaptured by the Viyrans and returned to the Ever-and-Ever Prolixity in the far future. (AUDIO: The Fall of the House of Pollard)

On 30 November, the Crystal Palace was destroyed by a hatched phoenix. The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams arrived then in TARDIS, actually aiming for 1851. While there, they met up with Winston Churchill. (COMIC: The Eagle of the Reich)

King George V died and was succeeded by his eldest son, Edward VIII. On 10 December, Edward VIII abdicated the British throne to marry his divorced American mistress, Wallis Simpson. He was succeeded by his younger brother, George VI. (PROSE: Players, AUDIO: Neverland)

Fitz Kreiner was born. (PROSE: The Taint)

Edward Grainger began working for British Intelligence. (PROSE: Log 384, PROSE: Old Boys)

The last Thylacine on Earth died in Beaumaris Zoo. The last living one was taken to the Museum of the Last Ones. (PROSE: The Last Dodo)

The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe visited Brighton and met Max Miller. (AUDIO: Pier Pressure)

The Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory visited Shalford Heights. (PROSE: The Glamour Chase)

George Limb attended an international conference in Munich. (PROSE: Illegal Alien)

The renegade Time Lady Iris Wildthyme and Jo Jones visited Los Angeles, where they met the Eighth Doctor. (AUDIO: The Elixir of Doom)
