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You may be looking for the clone named Chip or crisps.

Rose Tyler observes Mickey's warning to "go easy on the chips". (TV: School Reunion)

Chips, also known as fries, were long cuts of deep fried potato. In Great Britain, they were often covered in vinegar and served with fish. In America, "fries" were served with burgers. (TV: End of the Road)

In the middle of a salad dinner aboard the Doctor's TARDIS, Peri Brown once found herself in a dimension modelled upon a combination of the Alice in Wonderland book she had been reading and the salad she had been eating. After a frightening experience in that world which nearly saw her executed for the crime of eating vegetables, Peri went off her salad and decided to prepare burgers and chips instead. (COMIC: Salad Daze)

After Rose Tyler witnessed the destruction of Earth, the Ninth Doctor took her back to her own time, where she decided to get some chips. (TV: The End of the World)

The Doctor ordered steak and chips while dining with Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen. (TV: Boom Town)

Fish and chips were mentioned by the Tenth Doctor as being what Rose would be eating if she left the TARDIS, along with sausages and mash, beans on toast, turkey and nut loaf. (TV: Children in Need Special)

The Tenth Doctor bought some chips while on Earth. (PROSE: The Feast of the Drowned)

Chips cooked in Krillitane oil were served at Deffry Vale High School as part of the Krillitanes' plan to crack the Skasis Paradigm. (TV: School Reunion)

Eugene Jones ordered two eggs, ham and chips every single day at a local café. (TV: Random Shoes)

Martha Jones bought some chips for the Tenth Doctor and Jack Harkness while on the run from the Saxon Master when he was on Earth, which were noted by Jack to be "nice" with the Doctor agreeing "actually they're not bad." (TV: The Sound of Drums)

Jack Harkness requested fish and chips while aboard the Valiant. (TV: Last of the Time Lords)

Clyde Langer's cold chip sandwich scared Kist Magg Thek Lutiven-Day Slitheen in his disguise as Tim Jeffery. This helped Sarah Jane Smith figure out that vinegar was a weakness of the Raxacoricofallapatorians. (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen)

The Eleventh Doctor offered to drop Amy Pond and Rory Williams off somewhere they could get fish and chips. (TV: The Rebel Flesh)

A man with chips was one of several people who were controlled by Miss Kizlet via Wi-Fi to communicate with the Eleventh Doctor. (TV: The Bells of Saint John)

Whilst in Glasgow, the Twelfth Doctor suggested him and his companion Clara Oswald could grab some chips and coffee. Although Clara declined to have chips, she agreed on coffee. (TV: Deep Breath)
