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Howling:Howling archiveThe Howling archives → 51st Century Humans
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The Ninth Doctor described Jack as a 51st century guy. So taking jack and john into account, are we to assume all 51st century humans have their nature where they flirt with most people and want to bed them, or are they just more extreme versions where even in their own time they are seen as odd. It would seem difficult for a society of people like jack and john to exist and function if their main priorities are with finding their next lover, rather than things like jobs and running government. --Coop3 14:30, January 18, 2015 (UTC)

Perhaps robots are doing most work and running government, leaving people with a lot more free time to enjoy themselves. to me 13:57, January 27, 2015 (UTC)
Well, River Song and her team in the library were all from the 51st/52nd century time period - as were Madame Kovarian and the rest of the Church - and none of them seemed much different than us. The only people who seem to fit that idea would be Jack Harkness, John Hart, and possibly the Mother Superious of the Papal Mainframe. And even they were still capable of getting down to business, given their great accomplishments. -- to me 06:24, May 27, 2015 (UTC)