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Howling:Howling archiveThe Howling archives → Almost Omnipotent Characters and Continuities
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RTD created Bad Wolf and Dalek Caan...both characters have seen through all of time and space and manipulated events throughout history and future to get what they want but:

  1. Bad wolf:
  • despite manipulated all those events that lead to her creation and aided Rose Tyler throughout all of time and space, didn't protect the Doctor from other major crisis following Davros' attack
  • didn't destroy the Cult of Skaro...(Yes, the Cult of Skaro was in the Void, but Bad Wolf exists in all of time and space and so she should have eliminated the Cult of Skaro before they entered the Void if she really wanted to destroy the Daleks)
  • didn't manipulate events to give Rose what she wants and instead made her end up with Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor which she didn't like. (I know that Rose may ultimately end up liking MCTenth...but the problem is, if she does, she would fall in love with him in Pete's World, which is something not in the "all of time and space" defined by the time vortex since the time vortex in the TARDIS was gone when it was in Pete's World, and so it's something that Bad Wolf wouldn't know)
2. Dalek Caan
  • EPIC FAIL!!!! the daleks are back, and they have recivilized Skaro and are now stronger than ever...

WHY? WHY? WHY? -- 08:35, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

Valid points all of them but here's my theory. Rose after she became bad wolf would have used her omnipitent power to fix things across all of time and space but the ninth doctor stopped her. I. E had he not absorber that from her she would have destroyed the cult of skaro and all those other daleks. She would have taken care of the daleks that were there immediatly like the emperor and resurrected jack because that was right in front of her after that she would had she been allowed a little longer probably have vaporised sec and the cult and others but in order to save her the ninth sucked out of her. After the power was away from her she had no memory of it so when it came time to meet the cult of skaro she didn't remeber seeing them or anything else. As for Caan well that it is a bit of a plothole as he said he had seen the end of all things Dalek. Yet the Daleks have returned well a number of explanations, maybe he knew that the daleks could never be totally destroyed but wanted them when they were at their strongest destroyed okay these daleks disintegrated the old ones but I still don't thinkl they are as powerful for the following reasons. Journey's end daleks were made at a later date these daleks are clones of earlier daleks who obviously aren't as powerful and these daleks have been around for a while now and they haven't created a reality bomb or anywhere near that type of technology the reason these new daleks were able to disentegrated the old boys well the old ones did give up their lives. Also the victory daleks could be from the parting of ways not journeys end so while he would have seen that he wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. Winehousefan, 10:50, August 1 2010 [UTC]
