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New Year's Day

Rose meets the Doctor The End of Time Doctor Who BBC

Rose Tyler wishes the Tenth Doctor a happy New Year (TV: The End of Time)

New Year's Day was the celebration of the first day of the year, held on 1 January on most parts of Earth. (TV: Doctor Who, Resolution) It was preceded by New Year's Eve, the last day of the year, on 31 December. (TV: The End of Time)

Depending on the timestream, 1 January marked several New Year's Days in a row on the planet Apalapucia. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary)

According to Lin, most people were hung over on New Year's Day, recovering from New Year celebrations the night before; and there was nothing to do because everything was closed. Some people made resolutions to improve themselves. (TV: Resolution)

At the stroke of midnight on New Year's Day 2022, the Thirteenth Doctor, Yaz, Dan, Sarah and Nick escaped a time loop from a squad of Dalek execuctioners. (TV: Eve of the Daleks)
