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Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark was a Biblical vessel famous for how good humans including Noah brought two of every animal on board to survive an apocalyptic flood.

In 1811, one of George III's recurring delusions was that his country was sinking and that he was a beast on board Noah's Ark. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street)

In 1864, when Nyssa asked the Fifth Doctor to allow Floyd as well as Mulberry on board the TARDIS, he said that his ship wasn't Noah's Ark. (AUDIO: Renaissance of the Daleks) Long after, they and Peri Brown referenced Noah's Ark when escaping from a Neomorph Cyberman and an Ogron. (TV: Dimensions in Time)

In 2003, Bernice Summerfield and Jason Kane went to Turkey on separate archaeological expeditions to find Noah's Ark. (PROSE: Eternity Weeps)

The Fourth Doctor referenced Noah's Ark while in the Starliner on Alzarius. (TV: Full Circle)

In 16,087, Lazar the leader of Nerva Beacon was nicknamed Noah due to his position. (TV: The Ark in Space)

In 10,000,000, Dodo Chaplet compared the Ark to Noah's Ark; but the people of that time had completely forgotten the story of Noah's Ark, though many of the inhabitants of the vessel began to refer to it as the Ark after learning the name from Dodo. (TV: The Ark)

In 2367, Amy Pond compared the Silurian Ark with dinosaurs on board to Noah's Ark. (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)

The Fifth Doctor knew a version of the story of Noah's Ark in which Noah had to leave behind unicorns, centaurs, basilisks and many other such animals. (PROSE: Perfect Day)
