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SFX Collection #49 was the 49th release in SFX's regular series of Special Edition Collections.


Although not specifically a Doctor Who themed issue, this collectors edition, with an Eleventh Doctor and Dalek cover, looks at many British Sci-Fi shows from over the years that have either sought to emulate Doctor Who's success or have even inspired it at times.

  • The Definitive History of Doctor Who
Steve O'Brien takes a decade-by-decade look at the greatest British SF show of them all. (14 pages)
  • Carrying the Torch
Russell T Davies has taken his Welsh SF show across the water to America. Here he talks exclusively with Steve O'Brien about Torchwood. (4 pages)
  • Torchwood Episode Guide
Three glorious years of Cardiff-based SF antics for you revisit with us before Torchwood heads stateside ... (4 pages)
  • Britannia Rules the Stars
Excellent spaceships and craft from British television includes 1 page on the TARDIS
  • Where Nothing is Ever Run of the Mill
Doctor Who, Primeval, Merlin ... The Mill seems to be taking over British TV as far as CGI effects are concerned. Dave Golder asks the FX house's top digi-wizards to choose some of their favourite creature creations.
Doctor Who creations include; the Vespiform (The Unicorn and the Wasp), Little fish (A Christmas Story), Jagrafess (The Long Game), Werewolf (Tooth and Claw), Pyrovile (The Fires of Pompeii).
... and from Torchwood, the Pteranodon and the Mayfly
  • British and Best – Top Ten
At number One, top position is ...Doctor Who! beating The Prisoner, Red Dwarf, Being Human, and Quatermass in the top five
  • Best of the Worst: Scum and Villainy
Of the many villains on our screens, who is more evil than Davros?

Additional details[]

  • SFX magazine (a regular monthly title in the UK), regularly produced special seasonal issues mainly focussing on a specific theme.
  • This Collection looks at the best (and worst) british TV sci-fi shows and was priced £7.99 (UK).
  • Cover photography was supplied by BBC.
  • Unlike Doctor Who Magazine or Doctor Who Adventures, SFX is “100% unofficial and independent”.
  • A number of "extras" were also included in this slip-cased issue including;
Set of 4 Primeval coasters
Red Dwarf Car Sticker
A3 double-sided poster featuring Misfits on one side and Doctor Who The Impossible Astronaut iconic image on the other.

External links[]

The official online website of the magazine with latests news
