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Scotland was a constituent country of the United Kingdom. According to the Eleventh Doctor, it was "never conquered, not even a Shetland." (TV: Let's Kill Hitler) The capital of Scotland was Edinburgh, although the largest city was Glasgow, which was home to Torchwood Two. (PROSE: The Twilight Streets)

The Doctor and Scotland

It was referenced many times when the Eleventh Doctor, Rory Williams or Amy Pond herself were making jokes about Amy's personality. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, Victory of the Daleks, A Good Man Goes to War, Let's Kill Hitler, Asylum of the Daleks)

Both the Seventh and Twelfth Doctors had noticeable Scottish accents, with the latter making note of it as part of his persona following his regeneration. He initally complained about the accent of English company, namely Clara Oswald and Jenny Flint, describing it as infectious and incomprehensible. However, he was relieved when he found he could understand the accent of the Silurian, Vastra, saying that he finally found someone who was talking properly. Upon accidentally landing in Glasgow while attempting to take Clara home, she noted he would be right at home with his new persona. (TV: Deep Breath)


The Sixth Doctor sent the Borad back to Scotland in the 12th century implying he might end up as the Loch Ness Monster. (TV: Timelash)

In the 13th century, Scotland took over Orkney. (AUDIO: The Revenants)

In 1705, the Alien Act was passed by the English Parliament. This forced the Scottish Parliament to negotiate full union with England. Later, the two countries' governments united to form the United Kingdom. This was opposed by Jacobite rebels.

On 16 April 1746, during the final battle of the Second Jacobite Rebellion, the Battle of Culloden, the Second Doctor first met his companion Jamie McCrimmon, a native Scot. (TV: The Highlanders)

The wearing of tartan was banned in Scotland after the Jacobite Rising. (AUDIO: Night's Black Agents)

In 1879, the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler battled a werewolf at the Torchwood Estate in Scotland. Also present was Queen Victoria, who was inspired by the events to establish the Torchwood Institute. (TV: Tooth and Claw)

In 1965, Torchwood agents, including Torchwood Three's Jack Harkness, gave twelve orphan children from near Arbroath to the 456 in exchange for an anti-virus. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Four)

In 1975, the Fourth Doctor encountered the Zygons and the fabled Loch Ness Monster in the north of Scotland, presumably near Inverness. (TV: Terror of the Zygons)

In 2003, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart acted as an advisor to the newly established U.S. state of Malebolgia, due to the role he played in the recently devolved Scottish Parliament. (AUDIO: Minuet in Hell)

During the 29th century, when the nations of the Earth were evacuating the planet due to solar flares, Scotland refused to be a part of Starship UK, instead building their own ship. (TV: The Beast Below)

Behind the scenes
