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The Secret Lives of Monsters was a book written about declassified encounters of aliens that visited Earth, as well as other encounters with humans on places such as the Moon, the Silver Carrier, Station Three, Telos, Briggs' freighter, Nerva Beacon, Hedgewick's World, Vulcan, Kembel, the Aristotle, the Prison Station, Necros, the Dalek Asylum, the Game Station, Exxilon, Trenzalore, Peladon, the Ood Sphere, and Krop Tor. Extraterrestrial species covered included the Daleks, the Great Intelligence, the Robot Yeti, the Whisper Men, the Ice Warriors, the Judoon, the Krillitanes, the Nestenes, the Autons, the Ood, the Silents, the Sontarans, and the Zygons. The Slitheen, an alien family, were also covered, as well as the terrestrial intelligent species the Silurians and Sea Devils, and the Cybermen, which developed on a parallel Earth and on Mondas.

It also covered the Thals, Kaleds, and Daleks' history on Skaro, Mechanus, and Spiridon, and the Daleks' involvement in the Last Great Time War.

The various documents were compiled by investigative journalists such as James Stevens, and whistleblowers such as Benjamin Nevis. Such information was drawn from the files of UNIT and Torchwood. Also included were historical accounts such as those by the historians Adamnan, Targus Migarian, the author of A History of the Cyber Wars, Christian Peterson, the author of Daleks - Invasion Earth, Layten Halkovich, the author of The Rise and Fall of Earth's Empire, Lorraine Baynes, the author of The Lives and Deaths of Davros, and Hagan Garsonomous, the author of A History of the Dalek Wars. Mention was also made of Clive Finch's website and the mysterious individual who kept updating it after his death. (PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters)
